Αρωματικά Wax Drops Valentine's Day mini καρδούλες σε κουτί
Adorable mini hearts made of soy wax and oils, ready to melt for you on Valentine's Day!
100 grms of pastilles of soy hearts, mix in two colors (red and white) and in 12 excellent aromas, so that you don't know which one to choose first!
They are packaged in a lovely eco-friendly craft box decorated especially for Valentine's Day and in a matching bag if you wish. Inside the package, all lozenges have the same scent!
A gift of love that will warm your moments and cheer you up!
Another way to scent our space and enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy every moment: Lozenges made of soy_wax_melts, which slowly melt in essential oil burners, releasing wonderful aromas in the space for many, many hours! Soy wax, with soybean oil as a raw material, is a recyclable, biodegradable and renewable energy source, completely environmentally friendly, non-toxic (like paraffins). Kaimemelli soy wax lozenges also have almond oil, and essential_oils! Their basic property is their low melting point (that is, they melt at a low temperature), they offer long burning hours (about 50% longer than common paraffin candles), they do not leave a coating of soot (clean burning quality), while if they drip somewhere, they are simply cleaned with soap and water! Our Kaimemellei soy wax lozenges, while burning, release essential oils and wonderful aromas into the space, changing our atmosphere and mood! A unique aromatherapy in our home! Kaimemelli lozenges made of soy wax melt wonderfully for us and ... the unique thing is that, once the wax is finished, the burner is simply cleaned with some paper or with some soap and water! Of course we can ALSO recommend a burner, if you don't already have one.
Τρόπος χρήσης
Τοποθετήστε μια αρωματική παστίλια στον καυστήρα ελαίων και ανάψτε το ρεσώ. Απολάυστε τα αρώματα που ξεχειλίζουν. Ακόμα και όταν παγώσει η παστίλια, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ξανά και ξανά, ανάβοντας το κεράκι, μέχρι να μην βγάζει πια καθόλου άρωμα. Για να αφαιρέσετε τα υπόλοιπα της παστίλιας από τον καυστήρα απλά χρησιμοποιήστε ενά βαμβακάκι ή απορροφητικό χαρτί και τραβήξτε το λαδάκι από τον καυστήρα.